Donya Vesal

Property Advisor

Born and raised in Sweden with roots in Persia, Donya Vesal demonstrated her leadership skills early on by taking over a family business. Her passion for fashion led her to live in Italy, India, and Turkey, where she gained valuable experience in the industry.

She quickly transitioned into the sales business, working her way up in the same company to become a sales manager and sales coach. With successful results, she was offered a position in Marbella by a Swedish company, continuing her role as a sales coach for a large team.

Later, Donya was offered a position at a real estate company, where she rapidly advanced due to her excellent performance. She fell in love with Marbella because of its multicultural atmosphere, amazing weather, and great opportunities.

Donya has a deep passion for her work and loves helping her clients. She is highly results-oriented and always goes the extra mile to ensure her clients are happy.

+34 638 056 058